Note: Includes #2
Note: Included in #1
Note: This bearing and seal is an upgrade and replaces the bushing originally used in tis application. This upgrade accepts the higher loading and eliminates a typical oil leak. DO NOT use the stock bushing as it will leak oil.
Note: Includes #7, #17, #20, #21, #25 & #47.
Note: Included in #47
Note: Sold individually, 2 required
Note: Our shaft is superior to the stock shaft in order to give the sprocket more supporting area which lessens the chance of a common failure.
Note: KIWI magnetic plugs are of a very high grade and do not degrade with heat. Not all magnetic plugs are created equal.
Note: KIWI primary chains have a very high tensile strength, are pre stressed and are of very high quality.
Note: KI-10106-R and KI-10107-R Cometic gaskets are made from a Foamet material and seal the beast against irregular surfaces.
Note: Includes #6, #7, #17, #20, #21 & #25